
.in is the top-level country code for India. This domain is operated by NIXI (National Internet Exchange of India) which employs Affilas as the registry. The .in domain came into existence in 1989 and the first domain was registered in 1992, however, the domain only became open to general public in 2005
The .in domain made great strides both in terms of penetration in the Indian market as well as in the aftermarket. .in domains are currently in the top 10 ccTLDs sales for the year 2010 at SEDO (check out the sales link on the left). This can be attributed to several factors:
  • India has nearly 1.2Billion people with English (UK) being the common mode of communication
  • There are approx. 100 Million people online. That's less than 10% of the popluation. With a growth rate of people coming online being ~1000%, this number can only increase.
  • India's GDP is approx. $1.4 Trillion and easily in the list of top 10 richest countries in terms of GDP
  • .in have been used for India, International, Internet or just "in"


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